An Illusion?

It feels like I don't even know you anymore. This side of you is so different, why? Why have you changed in such a short while, a couple of days? Not even! It happened in a couple of hours! I don't get it! Your reason to fight, your reason to argue, it doesn't even make sense to me! It just seems so outrageous, come to your senses already! Wake up! Life isn't a game, you're thinking you can do anything, anything you want. Why won't you open your eyes, its not a game, its not. You want to injure a life, just so it makes you happy. It's brave to go into a fight, but it takes more courage to walk away. There's nothing to prove, nothing at all, we already respect you, we already know what you are capable of. Its not needed, the violence, it never solves anything. Let's not start World War 3, its not needed in a world which needs peace, love and most importantly forgiveness. Come on, I know there's good in you, come to your senses already..


Looking back into the past, I had so many opportunities to excel in things which I chose to do and in life in general. But people held me back, I will not name names, but the things I gave up and sacrificed, has actually impacted me till this very day. I'm not saying I regret, I'm not implying anything bad either, It's just the decisions I've made have made my life different. From my point of view, it has it's bad and good points. The bad; many wasted hours and days over nothing. The good; made me stronger and as a person, I've learned about myself more and to appreciate the little things in life. But the chances I've given up, have taught me otherwise.
I shouldn't let things or people get in my way of securing these chances, because not every opportunity comes often, if not always they are usually once in a blue moon. Learn from my mistakes, learn to take these chances, I can guarantee you that they would be worth while and if not life changing.
Ever since I opened my eyes to the bigger picture, I've learned and come to appreciate life as it is, but I cannot seem to succumb to people, people who are gifted and talented, to not take full advantage of what they have. To doubt themselves, to bring themselves down, I cannot help but the feel a part of myself to break and to feel pain. When people only see from their eyes, hear from their ears, speak from their mouths and to think with their mind, they only see part of the picture, as if each part of our body is a piece of a puzzle.
But when you speak, think, listen and see with your heart, you will experience a whole new dimension and you complete the Jig Saw puzzle. Not only will you learn to love and appreciate yourself and the people around you, the decisions you make become clearer and more worth while. So my message to you people who read my blog, I say;
"Use your heart when you choose to make a decision, because a human mind is so full of faults"